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Launch Event "Shoring up Stability: Addressing Climate Fragility Risks in the Lake Chad Basin"

24 October 2019
Niamey, Niger

The Lake Chad region is caught in a conflict trap. It is experiencing one of the world’s worst humanitarian emergencies with an estimated 10.7 million people in need of assistance. adelphi’s study Shoring up Stability demonstrates, for the first time, how climate change is interacting with the conflict and compounds the crisis in the Lake Chad region. The launch event will present the findings from this climate and fragility assessment on Lake Chad.

Based on the study, experts from the region will discuss how humanitarian, stabilization and resilience focused, such as the Regional Stabilization Strategy (RSS) and the new German-supported Regional Stabilization Facility for Lake Chad can address climate and fragility in order to tackle the root causes of existing as well as future risks in the region.

Findings indicate that military responses to the crisis are not working. Instead, it identifies alternative entry points for addressing the root causes of the crisis to enable sustainable, people centred solutions, such as strengthening the link between the population around Lake Chad and state institutions by providing better access to services, information and livelihoods.  

If the climate-fragility risks are carefully managed, then the lake could once again be an engine for sustainable livelihoods and stability in the region, increasing food security and reducing poverty.

Climate-proof and conflict-sensitive interventions represent better value for money and offer a better chance of delivering a lasting peace and sustainable development. Following a short presentation of the climate-fragility assessment and learnings from the field, a panel of study authors and local experts will discuss the merits of such an approach, what has been done and what more can be done to advance such assessments, as well reflect on what lessons we can draw from this case for other regions.  

Inviting the audience to comment and respond, the subsequent discussion will revolve around these questions:

• What are the key challenges arising from the convergence of climate change and fragility?

• To what extent are these risks being acknowledged in stabilization interventions on the ground?

• How specifically can humanitarian, stabilization and resilience focused action address these risks?

• What entry points can address the security, development and climatic challenges together?

• What is the value of a climate-fragility risk assessment to sustainable development? What are the challenges/limitations?  



  • 9:00 a.m.: Welcome

H. E. Hermann Nicolai, German Ambassador to Niger

Coronel Major Mahamadou S. Magagi, Director-General, Centre National d‘Études Stratégiques et de Sécurité (CNESS)

  • 9:20 a.m.: Presentation of study findings

Oli Brown, Associate Researcher, Chatham House

  • 10:00 a.m.: Panel Discussion: Climate and fragility risks in the Lake Chad region

Diana Louise Ofwona, Resident Representative, UNDP Niger

Oli Brown, Associate Researcher, Chatham House

  • 10:30 a.m.: Open floor discussion
  • 11:30 a.m.: Closing remarks and opening of photo exhibition

Ibrahim Boukari Abdou, Secretary-General, High Authority for the Consolidation of Peace


The event will be moderated by Stella Schaller, Project Manager, adelphi.

Please R.S.V.P. by confirming your participation here no later than 16 October stating your name, position and affiliation.

This launch event is targeted at policy-makers, experts and practitioners working on regions affected by climate and fragility.